Our impact
Since 2013, TRIBE Freedom Foundation has supported over 767 survivors of modern slavery, and raised over £1.9 million to help fight modern slavery and human trafficking.
Our impact in numbers
Meet our charity partners
We work with multiple frontline modern slavery charities year on year, building projects together and granting funds for their vital work to continue. Find out more about some of our charity partners below.

Our Impact Report
Spot the signs of modern slavery.
Modern Slavery comes in many forms of exploitation, including forced labour, domestic servitude, organ trafficking, and sexual, financial or criminal exploitation. Victims of modern slavery are unable to leave their situation of exploitation – controlled by threats, punishment, violence, coercion and deception. For a detailed overview of the potential signs and indicators of modern slavery click on the following link.
Join us in the fight against Modern Slavery.
The need for longterm, holistic support for survivors of modern slavery has never been greater. Help us to fund this.