£175,000 Granted to our Project Partners

The TRIBE community is bold, fearless and on a mission to fight for freedom. Following a record-breaking year of fundraising in 2021, we are delighted to announce that an incredible £175,000 has been granted to support the work of our frontline project partners in 2022!

Together we go further and faster to fight modern slavery and empower the survivors. We are incredibly proud to have worked in partnership with a variety of the most impactful and innovative frontline organisations across the UK anti-slavery sector. Working together to help prevent modern slavery, end re-exploitation and empower the survivors to regain their freedom.

Read on to hear how funds granted by TRIBE Freedom Foundation and support from the TRIBE community will create a life-changing impact over the year ahead:

A third new home for survivors

Ella’s current safe house accommodation provides a welcoming and supportive environment for eight vulnerable survivors at a time. Yet the need for what we do far outweighs our capacity. in 2020 we were only able to accept 18% of referrals. In Spring 2022, Ella’s will launch their third safe house to increase our capacity, to house a total of 12 women. This support is both life-saving and life-changing for women like Margaret:

Margaret felt so scared when she arrived at Ella’s 15 months ago and was struggling to imagine how her life could be better. Today, she is like a different person. Margaret had escaped a violent and dangerous situation. She arrived at our safe house at night-time. She walked in and cried.

I knew it [the room at Ella’s] was my space,” says Margaret. “I’d never had new towels before, they were for me. It was my room, my space, my door. I didn’t have to worry about men I don’t know walking in, in the middle of the night.”

“Support from TRIBE this year and in recent years has been critical in making this possible. Thank you so much for partnering with us to ensure survivors have all they need to recover and build lives that are safe and free.” Amy Church, Head of Fundraising and Communications at Ella’s


Bringing traffickers to justice

Justice and Care’s award-winning Victim Navigator programme is continuing to set the terms of operational best practice, with over 90% of survivors supported engaging with police investigations, compared to the national average of 30%.

As a result, the programme is adding clear value to the fight against slavery and is widely respected for its innovation, partnership-building, constructive tone, and willingness to ‘go the extra mile.’ Grant-funding and support from TRIBE Freedom Foundation enable us to continue to scale up the life-changing Navigator programme. Over the next year, the Met Navigators will care for at least 40 victims under full support plans, provide strategic advice to a further 40 modern slavery investigations, and train 400 law enforcement and other frontline professionals.

Learnings and recommendations from the programme will also continue to be shared with relevant stakeholders including the Police Modern Slavery Transformation Unit, National Crime Agency, NGO’s and Whitehall to inform policy and practice. Funding from the TRIBE community will also help us to increase our focus on operational systemic change, improving processes within police forces.


Empowering survivors through business training and mentoring

HERA (Her Equality Rights and Autonomy) is on a mission to empower young women who are survivors of modern slavery to achieve a better life, through business training and 1-1 mentoring. They collaborate with business and academic partners to mentor and teach survivors the skills that will enable them to grow in confidence, gain knowledge and reach financial independence.

In 2021, with support from TRIBE Freedom Foundation, HERA’s Summer Business Training Programme went online, welcoming students and mentors from outside London onto the programme for the first time. In the upcoming year, HERA is developing a new hybrid programme (combining online and in-person sessions) that will help to grow the summer training programme; firstly through increased support and interaction with alumni, and secondly, by expanding geographically across the UK.

They are also looking to develop more channels for students to gain valuable work experience, providing skills and experiences that will enable their students to flourish, building up their CVs, interview skills, business skills and confidence.

With support from the TRIBE community, they will be able to empower greater numbers of survivors to work towards their career goals and live independently. In 2022, they aim to support 25 survivors through their programmes, an amazing increase of 25%!


Championing best practices to end the cycle of re-trafficking

The Helen Bamber Foundation is a dedicated, compassionate and ambitious team on a mission to give survivors of human trafficking and exploitation the strength to move on.

It is a shameful truth that even after seeking help, many survivors receive limited support from the services they come into contact with; spend years in the limbo of lengthy legal processes; live in poverty and struggle to get by; have no means to learn and build the skills to live an independent life; and continue to be tormented by the trauma of the abuses they have experienced.

In 2022, The Helen Bamber Foundation is launching a three-year programme to break the cycle of re-trafficking through:

1. Improving support and treatment of trafficking survivors
2. Training of frontline workers
3. Increasing awareness and driving policy interventions and best practices.

Everyone should be safe from exploitation. Survivors should never again have to endure the abuse and exploitation they have fled from. With support from TRIBE Freedom Foundation and the TRIBE community, we will help end the re-trafficking cycle and build a safer world for survivors.


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